FAQ of IP Modem

Date: 2014-01-17   Hits:3710

1.Why the IP modem can’t be connected to the VC demo(server) after config?

--Make sure that the config of VC demo and IP modem are correct, such as IP address, port, etc., if the value of data center shows “1”, the IP address of main center and backup center shall be the same.

--Check if the signal of IP modem is good or poor(using AT command), in addition, check data function of the SIM card is still available.

2、 The config of IP modem and VC demo are both correct, why the IP modem still can get online?

--First, check if the PC that VC demo runs is port forwarding, in addition, check if the port is used by other PC, and if it is blocked by firewall.

3、 My server is not static IP, instead, it is dynamic IP coming from dial-up of ADSL, and IP modem can’t get online.

--Make sure the IP address configured on config tool of IP modem is correct.

--Port forwarding is required if the VC Demo doesn’t run on your server. If the ADSL with routing function, and you can do port forwarding on router, and if it doesn’t have routing function, you need to run port forwarding software on server.

--Firewall of windows and anti-virus software are required to be close when you want to connect IP modem with VC demo.

4、 IP Modem gets online and works well with VC Demo, but VC demo can’t communicate with PLC which connected with IP modem.

--Make sure the parameters of IP modem and PLC are configured correctly, such as baud rate, etc.

--Make sure the communication protocol of PLC is correct (You can try PLC to communicate with PC)

--The resistance between RS485 of PLC and IP modem is not matchable (The matchable resistance shall range from 10-200Ω)

--Please the following signal definition of communication interface of PLC and IP modem.

5、 IP modem works well with data center(server), but it disconnects sometimes.

--Make sure the heartbeat packet time is configured well on IP modem, please note the heartbeat packet time is related to the local mobile operator, which ensure IP modem will be online when there is not data transmission.

--Check if the wireless signal is good enough for IP modem.

--The maintenance time of online IP modems at data center (server) shall be bigger than heartbeat packet time.

--Check if you have configured the ID of IP modem and SIM card No. as the same value.

6、 When I configure IP modem as a dial-up modem, it can’t work.

--You need to configure the work mode of IP modem into “TRNS”, and make sure you use RS232 interface for dial-up, no RS485.

--Check if the parameters are configured correctly, such as baud rate, etc.

--Please refer to User Manual of Modem.

7、 The data center(server) gets wrong data coming from IP modem

--Make sure the parameters between IP modem and the terminals are matchable, such as…etc. In addition, check if the data coming from your terminals is the same as heartbeat packet data, in that case, please refer to problem of transferred meaning.

8、 IP modem can’t enter into config.

--Check the baud rate of IP modem are the same as config tool.

--Check if data cable is connected well.

--Check if there is new program.

--Check if the FLASH works.

9、 I can enter info config, but AT fails.

--Check if the wireless module and PCB main board are well connected, and if the baud rate of wireless module has been changed.

10、When I run IP modem with our SCADA system, although everything configured well, the IP modem can’t get online

--Test the IP modem with our VC demo at first, and if it works, then you can test it with your SCADA system.

--Check if the config parameters of SCADA system is correct, such as baud rate, etc.

--Close the firewall and anti-virus software which running on PC of server.

11、What is the default value of serial port on IP modem?

--It is data bit: 8 bits, baud rate: 115200bps,

12、How to check out the version of firmware of the IP modem?

--Open the config tool, and you can click “Ver No.” to check the version info, besides, you can check it with AT command: AT+GMI or ati.

13、It shows unreadable code when test IP modem with hyper terminal.

--Make sure the baud rate of hyper terminal and IP modem are the same, such as data bit, etc.

14、Is there any special requirement for operation system?

--No, IP modem supports transparent data transmission.

15、 How to check if the IP modem has access network of mobile operator?

--After IP modem gets online, you can use AT Command: AT+CGATT=1, if it shows “OK”, it means accessing the network of mobile operator successfully, or you can use AT+QUIT to check the status.

16、How to check the signal strength of GPRS/CDMA and status of SIM/UIM card?

--Fasten the antenna and insert SIM/UIM that data function is available, for GPRS wireless module, please use AT+CSQ, and AT+CSQ? for CDMA wireless moduel, click”enter” on keyboard of PC, and it will show “**, ##”, the value of “**” shall range from “10-31”, the larger, the better. “##” shall be “99”, if “##” shows “0”, that means the SIM/UIM card has not be detected by IP modem, you shall reinsert the SIM/UIM card.

17、 How to change the baudrate of IP modem?

--When IP modem is power on, press “S” to enter into AT config mode, you can use AT+IPR? to check the existing baud rate, the default value is 115200, and you can use AT+IPR=57600(for example) to change the baud rate into 57600, and press “Enter” of keyboard, and it will show “OK”, after that change the baud rate of the test software(such as hyper terminal or other serial port tools) into 57600, and repower the IP modem.

18、IP modem gets online, but there are some problems when transferring data.

--Firstly, please check if the signal definition of serial data cable is in accordance with our standard data cable, 2 and 3 cross, and 5 straight, non flow control.  Secondly, make sure the parameters of IP modem serial port and your terminals are the same, such as baudrate, stop bit, parity bit, etc.  Thirdly, check if the transmission distance of data cable and IP modem is too long or not, or there is any

19、How long it will take when IP modem reboot and gets online.

--Normally, it is 1 minute, but it also related to the status of your local wireless network.

20、There are two data centers at the server, one is main center, the other backup center, when main center fails, it is unavailable to reconnect it, why?

--You need to config the IP address of backup center the same as main center, although you don’t have backup center for data collection.

21、When IP modem connected to data center, the output info on config tool shows” Connect to ...Connect error.Dialoff Success!”

--Please check if the server is open, port forwarding is successful, or the firewall at the server has been closed.

22、When IP modem reboot, it shows PPP fails.

--Please check if you run out of the charge of SIM/UIM card.

--Please check if the signal of wireless network is good enough.

23、 IP modem reboots frequently, and it shows “Now ReStart AT State"

--This is maybe the wireless module is not fastened tightly with the mainboard, or there may be some problems with the hardware, such as main board or wireless module, etc.

24、How to config GPRS/CDMA IP Modem?

-- Pleae refer to the “IP modem config guideline”, or contact our technical support team for


25、How to use AT Command to configure the IP modem?

--You can use hyper terminal or serial port test tool, configure the baud rate and other parameters in accordance with IP modem, then press “S” of your keyboard immediately after IP modem power on till it shows,

System started!

Press 's' key continuously to enter configure program.

Four-Faith ip-modem CONFIGURE PROGRAM:

Use the extended AT commands to configure the IP MODEM

Input "AT+LIST" For help.


once it shows “sssssss…”, then input “at”, and press “Enter” of keyboard, when it gets back “OK”, you can use AT command to configure the IP modem.

26、When I use hyper terminal to configure the IP modem, there is not any feedback it shows unreadable code sometimes.

--You need to check if the parameters of IP modem and hyper terminal are the same, such as baud rate, data bit(8), stop bit(1), flow control(non), verify(non)

27、When I use GPRS/CDMA IP modem for data transmission, how to make sure the network security?

--The data transmission via GPRS/CDMA IP Modem is based on TCP/IP protocol of GRPS/CDMA network, which is the same as Internet security.

28、How can the data center identify the IP modems when there are too many IP modems connected with data center?

--If your date center is programed based on our DDL, the data center can identify the IP modem via 8 bits ID, or you also can identify the IP modem vai their phone No., by the way, DLL and program of VC Demo is available if you would like to program the data center by yourself.

29、There is not static IP address at our data center, as dynamic IP is unavaible for communication with IP modem, how can I slove this problem?

--You can use DDNS if your data center is dynamic IP, and you can configure the DNS into IP modem.

30、 Is the transmission quality good enough when IP modem used for moving vehicle?

--Our IP modem is designed based on industrial grade, and it can be used wherever the signal of wireless network is good enough for data transmission, in addition, IP modem can reconnect to the server automatically when disconnection happens due to coverage and poor signal of wireless network.

31、Is it available to make the IP modem transfer data to data center when data transmission is needed, as we don’t need data transmission in real time.

--There are five trigger ways supported by our IP modems, if you don’t need data transmission in real time, you can use SMSD, CTRL, DATA to make the IP modem be online when data transmission is needed, after data transmission finished,you can use command to ask it offline.

32、There is static IP for data center, at the same time, there are many PCs sharing one public IP, is there something we need to do?

--You need to do port forwarding to one PC that you will use it as data center, then configure the port into IP modem, after that run VC deme at the data center, and it will work.

33、IP modem with RS485 works for some time, but after a while it is offline.

--Please check if the IP modem is “online”

--If the IP modem is online, then you can use PC to check if there is some problem with the RS485 cable.

--There may be something wrong with the chipset of RS485, which maybe caused by unsteady power supply, and it need to confirmed after you send back the IP modem for maintaince.

34、 IP modem doesn’t work, and I can’t configure it on config tool.

--That maybe the program problem of IP modem, pls contact us for upgrading the

IP modem.

35、What maybe the problem when “AT+CPIN?” shows error?

--May be the SIM card is not tightly held with the SIM card holder, power off the IP modem and reinsert the SIM card, if it doesn’t work, please feel free to contact us.
